Sunday, January 31, 2010

Diabetic Neuropathy More Condition_symptoms If You Have Diabetic Neuropathy, Does It Mean You Have Diabetes?

If you have diabetic neuropathy, does it mean you have diabetes? - diabetic neuropathy more condition_symptoms

I've just begun, signs of neuropathy and neuropathic toe, I show noted that the main reason for diabetics. I'm 20 and I do not have diabetes, but if I this condition means that I do?


micksmix... said...

If your doctor tells you that you reported neuropathy, it does not mean necessarily mean that the diabetic neuropathy. The neuropathy may be present without diabetes.

May I suggest you read the following information sheet on the peripheral neuropathy ... of the type of neuropathy is present in the fingers. Which details some of the other conditions that can cause this type of neuropathy, delivers.

May I also suggest you ask your doctor why you have it, what are the implications and how to handle them. That is what you will pay your doctor.

Silver said...

We can not diagnose this over the Internet. Consult a doctor and tell him their concerns. Yes, diabetic neuropathy, a disease that accompanies diabetes, but there are other things that may be causing your problem too. In addition, if diabetes, you need to know it now. If you want to keep that finger, that is.

bayard48 said...

A doctor says you have diabetes Neurapathy? I would like this checked out. Neurapathy but I do not know Type-2-Diabetes.I how long before my diagnosis of diabetes, but my feet and legs bother me before the time and I have nerve damage in the fingers.

eye_agre... said...

Neuropathy without swelling and discoloration is usually associated with old wounds that presses a nerve, the nerve of the cross today below the line. It is called a form of neuropathy, thoracic outlet syndrome. One of the most common is sciatica.

chicka.n... said...

Not necessarily. No neuropathy that caused by diabetes. It is simply a state of the nerves in your body and can have several causes.

Concentrate on a complete physical with your doctor!

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